Sidor: 223
Förlag Bonnier Carlsen
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Löser brott - ett ansiktsuttryck i taget!
Colin Fischer tål inte beröring. Han gillar inte färgen blå. Han använder sig av kort för att tolka ansiktsuttryck. Colin är fjorton år och lider av Aspergers syndrom. Han gillar inte att någon rör vid honom, inte ens hans föräldrar. Han kan inte tolerera höga ljud och han har svårt att tolka ansiktsuttryck. Däremot har han ett fantastiskt minne och en extraordinär slutledningsförmåga.
När en pistol hittas i skolmatsalen, och avbryter en klasskamrats födelsedagsfirande, är Colin den enda som kan lösa fallet. Det är upp till honom att bevisa att Wayne Connelly, skolans översittare och Colins frekventa plågare, inte förde med sig vapnet till skolan. För när allt kommer omkring så hade Wayne inte glasyr på sina händer, och det var vit chokladglasyr som återfanns på den rykande pistolens handtag...
Vad mer kan man förvänta sig från skaparna till Filmen X men: First Class och Thor?
Åh, nu vet jag varför jag läser böcker. Just för den saliska känslan som jag ännu en gång fått lyckan att känna, jag trodde jag tappat hoppet om bra böcker för alltid men sen så dök denna magnifika berättelse upp!
Vart ska man börja...
Låt mig säga en sak om Colin Fisher. Han är en dröm "with a cherry on top". Aspbergers eller ej, hans ärlighet, hans sätt att förmedla sina tankar, dv.s. rakt på sak, gör hela berättelsen förbaskat magnifik!
Colins karaktär är väldigt härlig. Han växer verkligen som person genom boken, och när skottlossningen äger rum så får man ta del utav hans fulla kapacitet som individ.
Det enda riktiga störmomentet jag fann var deras ålder. Ungdomarna i boken verkade inte alls vara 14, minst 17 år skulle jag säga. Jag kunde aldrig riktigt se dem framför mig som små barn.
Pages: 227
Publisher: Razorbill
Colin Fischer cannot stand to be touched. He does not like the color blue. He needs index cards to recognize facial expressions.
But when a gun is found in the school cafeteria, interrupting a female classmate's birthday celebration, Colin is the only for the investigation. It's up to him to prove that Wayne Connelly, the school bully and Colin's frequent tormenter, didn't bring the gun to school. After all, Wayne didn't have frosting on his hands, and there was white chocolate frosting found on the grip of the smoking gun...
What more can you expect from the makers of the film X men: First Class and Thor?
Oh, now I know why I read books. Just for the Salic feeling I once again had the good fortune to feel, I thought I'd lost hope of good books forever but then popped this magnificent story up!
Where do we start ..
Let me say one thing about Colin Fisher. He's a Dream "with a cherry on top". Asperger's or not, his honesty, his way of conveying his thoughts, that is, bluntly, makes the whole story damn magnificent!
Colin's character is very lovely. He really grows as a person through the book, and when the shooting takes place, you get to take part out of his full capacity as an individual.
The only thing that really disturbed me was their age. in the book did not seem to be 14, at least 17 years I would say. I could never really see them before me like little kids.
xoxo Lihini
Colin Fischer cannot stand to be touched. He does not like the color blue. He needs index cards to recognize facial expressions.
But when a gun is found in the school cafeteria, interrupting a female classmate's birthday celebration, Colin is the only for the investigation. It's up to him to prove that Wayne Connelly, the school bully and Colin's frequent tormenter, didn't bring the gun to school. After all, Wayne didn't have frosting on his hands, and there was white chocolate frosting found on the grip of the smoking gun...
What more can you expect from the makers of the film X men: First Class and Thor?
Oh, now I know why I read books. Just for the Salic feeling I once again had the good fortune to feel, I thought I'd lost hope of good books forever but then popped this magnificent story up!
Where do we start ..
Let me say one thing about Colin Fisher. He's a Dream "with a cherry on top". Asperger's or not, his honesty, his way of conveying his thoughts, that is, bluntly, makes the whole story damn magnificent!
Colin's character is very lovely. He really grows as a person through the book, and when the shooting takes place, you get to take part out of his full capacity as an individual.
The only thing that really disturbed me was their age. in the book did not seem to be 14, at least 17 years I would say. I could never really see them before me like little kids.
xoxo Lihini
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